Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 H's And W's ... Police Hand Cuffs A eLEMATARY sTUDENT

Who is involved? The Polica Department and Salecia Johnson, a 6 year old elementary studet.
Who does/did the situation affect? Creekside Elementary and principal
Who said so? CNN reporters

What is happening? - Salecia Johnson, a student of Creekside Elementary was throwing a tandrum and damaging school property.
What did happen? The police department arrested her.
What are the consequences? She was handcuff and taken down to the police department
What is different about this? Salecia is only 6 year old yet she got arrested.
What are the choices? The Court decided not to charge her due to her age.

When did or will this happen? On Tuesday
When was this discovered? Tuesday April 17, 2012 5:51 PM EDT

Where did or will this happen? Milledgeville, Georgia

Why did this happen or will it happen? Student were throwing a tandrum and destroying school property along with injuring a school official, the school principal

How did it or will it happen? - She was yelling and throwing things, there seem to be sign of evident ( bitting of the door knob, small shelf was on principal leg, jumping on the shredder, etc)
How much does it cost? N/A no price at the moment
How many people does this affect? The police department, Salecia and her aunt/parents and Creekside Elementary schoolboard and their student.
How do you feel about this? In my opinion, i feel that our generation have really gone downhill, I'm not trying to say anything but the parents need to take responsible of their child and not let the kid run loose like this, it's uncivilize and rude to the community and their surrounding.

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